Tuesday 5 February 2008

Day 1 - The walk of Baggins

Well, I finally arrived in Scotland after countless delays and layovers. I landed in Aberdeen around 2. Of course, my bags were no where to be found. Edith was waiting, so I filled out some paper work and we proceeded to a taxi. I got to my flat and unpacked my carry-on and took a short nap. It was now 3 and I didn't have to be anywhere until 5:30. I decided that I would take a walk around the city.

I thought that I remembered where things were from the last vist (as a freshman at Wabash). I contemplated walking to a pub called "The Bobbin." However, I was feeling a some what daring (it was probably just jetlag) so I decided to just starting walking with no intended destination. I figured that I would walk for an hour or so, then work my way back to the "HUB" (student center) to meet Edith. So, with camera in hand, I began to walk. I found my way to the Sea, took some pics, bought the t-shirt, and kept on walking. An hour had passed and I found my way to the Aberdeen Science and Technology Complex. At this point I was pretty confident that I was still close to my dorm. I assumed that the Complex had something to do with the location of Aberdeen University. In retrospect, they are on opposite ends of town. Hind site is 20/20 my friends. I continued to walk for another 1/2 hour. I could not see any sea gulls, or bus stops. A normal person might panic. Not me, I was daring. My two years worth of cub scout instincts began to kick in. Luckily, I was on a hill (on the edge of town) and could see some land marks. I remembered that there was a Cathedral right beside my dorm. I could barely see the towers in the distance. However, I desided that I would walk in that general direction. It was starting to get dark so stepped up my walking speed. I walked through a sub division, across a river (which came out of nowhere), through a sports park (with live sports and bowling), and down a creepy cobble stone alley before I finally made it back to something familar. I had been walking for a solid 2 hours. It was 5.

Before you start calling a search party...I found the hub. My afternoon did not exactly go accoring to plans. However, there is so much that I know. I found a bowling alley, a huge magical river that appears when you don't expect it, and a possible location for the next horror film that I make (the cobble stone alley).

All in all, it was a good first day in Aberdeen. O, I forgot, it started to rain half way into my adventure. And I was "attacked" by this dog ---------------------------------------------------->